Sunday, 28 September 2008

Welcome to the New Chatham Adventures!

The beginning of a new dawn, as Bernie Fishnotes becomes the new 'canonical' writer of The Ben Chatham Adventures!

What are the Ben Chatham Adventures, I hear some of you ask?

The Ben Chatham Adventures follow, well, the adventures of Ben Chatham, an Archaeologist and friend of the Doctor. "Hang on", I hear you cry, "I've never heard of this Ben Chatham!"

Well, you wouldn;t have, as he's the fan creation of Sparacus, a poster on the Doctor Who Forum website. The Adventures of Ben Chatham have divided fans, some thinking they are entertaining, other thinking they are appalling. Either way, they always get a reaction!

Ben Chatham is "played" by Adam Rickitt, former popstar and actor.

More information can be found on the links to the right, at the top of the page.

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